This year, Drama Class will be making a move to the 4th floor at Ravenswood Elementary. We will be sharing space with the library and computer lab. It has been a bit tricky trying to carve a space for drama, but I've had a lot of support from administration and it certainly helps that my wife is a scenic designer. Also, I certainly couldn't have moved all of those bookcases without the help of Ben Herman, who showed up early in the morning and loaned his brilliance in the face problem solving fun/madness. Lastly, I have to send a big thank you to the facilities staff for lugging all of the drama stuff up and down the stairs at least twice, by my count(might be more). They're phenomenal. All of this does a great deal to remind me of the amazing collaboration efforts that are inherent in Theatre. When we work together, there is no end to what we can accomplish. Thanks everyone. A 3D rendering of the above design. Teaching in the library will have a few challenges, but I am SUPER excited!. Computer lab on the right, Drama on the left. Let's create some art!
AuthorMr. Guidry Archives
October 2018
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